
The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Early Modern Irish version of sections from the group of texts on women's medicine known as the Trotula. The Irish text appears to have been written c. 1352, based on a Latin text of what Monica H. Green has called the ‘standardized ensemble’ of Trotula texts. The (extant) portions are concerned with gynaecology and obstetrics.

Manuscript witnesses

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 F 19 
incipit: idir na cichib ⁊ is urcoidech doib cuisle na lam   Acephalous. Edited by Wulff (1934) on pp. 22–53, starting some lines down (is ferrdi duilleóga raidleoigi do cur co tana uirri).
ff. 88ra–93ra  
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436/pp. 101-112 
incipit: CUM AUTUR UNIUERCITATIS ⁊C   The section that is edited by Wulff (1934) on pp. 12–22.
ff. 101ra–106a  
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1436/pp. 220-367 
incipit: Secundum dominam Trotulam Quaedam mulieres sunt grasiles quedam groise ⁊c.   Another section, edited by Wulff (1934) on pp. 53-54.
pp. 359b–360b   


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Wulff, Winifred, “A mediaeval handbook of gynaecology and midwifery: preceded by a section on the grades and on the treatment of wounds and some good counsel to the physician himself finishing with a discussion on the treatment of scabies”, in: J. Fraser, Paul Grosjean, and J. G. OʼKeeffe (eds), Irish texts, fasciculus V, London, 1934. i–xxvii, 1–99.
Celtic Digital Initiative – PDF: <link> CELT – edition (viii–xxvii, p. 1, even pp. 12–84): <link> CELT – Latin counterparts: <link> CELT – On wounds (text, pp. 1–11): <link> CELT – On wounds (translation): <link>
12–22 (MS E[1]), 22–53 (MS F), 53–54 (MS E[2])

Secondary sources (select)

Green, Monica H., “A handlist of the Latin and vernacular manuscripts of the so-called Trotula texts. Part II: the vernacular texts and Latin re-writings”, Scriptorium 51 (1997): 80–104.